Farmstrong Scotland is a personal development initiative to help farmers, crofters and their families to make small steps to improve their wellbeing and mental resilience to cope with the ups and downs of farming and crofting.


Research shows many farmers and crofters are great at looking after their equipment and livestock, but, like many others, they can neglect their own wellbeing. As an industry, we face many challenges in farming that can be hard to predict or control.  We can’t afford to let these pressures reach the point where they damage productivity and affect the lives of families.


This peer-to-peer led programme, is driven by scientific information and real-life stories, so together we can share and learn. A range of resources and activities will support the delivery including videos, podcasts, online webinars, events, written stories, blogs and features, so we can find out what works different individuals, making meaningful changes.


Farmstrong Scotland will also work closely with key industry stakeholders to integrate wellbeing conversations into existing events to increase the awareness of highlight the benefits of improving your wellbeing.


Thanks to support from RHASS, since the inception of the programme, Farmstrong Scotland has hosted events, developed tools and partnerships, to help demonstrate the importance of making small changes that can result in big impact.


The RHASS funding was match funded by Movember, resulting in enough income to also employ a staff team including Programme Director Alix Ritchie, Community Specialist Clare Dickson and Programme Coordinator, Anna Dunlop. In addition, sub-contractors including advisor Gerard Vaughan, Programme Director of Farmstrong New Zealand, a monitoring and evaluation team, and Communications agency Jane Craigie Marketing (JCM) have been appointed to help build and escalate the momentum of the programme.


Key and underpinning the programme is the five steps to wellbeing.


Investing in your wellbeing means you will have some to draw on when you are under pressure. It will also make you healthier and more productive on the farm or croft. They key is to use small, but regular improvements, so they become a habit.


The research has found that people who thrive had five things in common – the five steps to wellbeing.



Step One: Connect

Making friends and spending time with your mates makes a big difference to how you feel. Even when life is busy, try and make it a priority. When you do, the rewards will be huge.


Step Two: Take Notice

Take notice of the small things in life that make you happy. Each day take a few moments to stop and think about what’s most important to you, and what you have that you really appreciate.


Step Three: Give

When you give to others, not only do they benefit, but it also makes you feel a lot happier. Consider the ways you can give back to the people around you, and don’t forget about yourself too.


Step Four: Keep Learning

Being curious and learning about all sorts of things on or off the farm will help you farm and croft smarter. At whatever age, learning new things, keeps your thinking open and flexible.


Step Five: Be Active

Keeping active is a great way to feel good. Working up a sweat releases endorphins in your system that make you feel fresher and better able to cope with challenges.


To find out more about Farmstrong Scotland, visit


The programme has kindly been supported by RHASS, NFU Mutual and Movember, as well as many other agricultural and rural organisations and individuals. Every £1 raised will be match funded by Movember, up to the value of £350,000 making donations and fundraising go even further. To find out how you can support Farmstrong Scotland, either financially, in-kind or by helping spread the word, please contact [email protected]


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