Salon de L’Agriculture hosts around 600,000 visitors annually. This year the event ran from the 25th of February to the 5th of March. The opportunity was given to Blayne Beck (Tradestand Executive), Katy McFadyen (Competitions Administrator) and Louise Elder (Chief Steward of Food and Drink) to attend, which the team were very grateful for.

The show is a leading agricultural event, across the world and focusses on 4 sectors: Crops and Plants, Livestock and Gardening/Vegetable Gardens. These sectors were showcased in nine large pavilions.

After both joining RHASS at the start of 2022, Blayne and Katy have been eager to gain deeper insight into the agricultural industry. Since joining between them they have visited the Turiff show, ScotHot,, BBC Good Food Show, Kelso Tup sales, Stirling Bull sales and jumped at the opportunity to travel to Paris for the Salon de L’Agriculture. This was a great learning opportunity to inspire future planning for the RHS.

The team had many highlights. For Blayne this was the International Food Hall, showcasing foods from around the world. As you walked through the hall you could smell aromas from many regions, learn about products through experiential activities on stands and be surprised to see camels in the centre. It was an experience that heightened her motivation to make areas of the showground immersive and exciting for both traders and visitors at the RHS.

The sheer scale of the cattle hall astonished Katy, and she liked the idea of the Cattle milking parlour being on show for educational purposes. Networking with farmers within the hall, also gave her insight into how exhibitors enter into the show. The penning and stalling within the show was more modern and a good use of space and Katy thinks this is something the show could work towards upgrading in the future.

Katy and Blayne are presenting their findings from the show to their fellow RHASS employees in April. They look forward to sharing their incredible experience with the team and hopefully implementing some of the ideas into future planning for the show.

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